Game Studies Wiki
Fiction and Narrative in Video Games
MIT OpenCourseWare: CMS.611J Creating Video Games
Nasjonalt ressursnettverk for dataspill finansiert av Norges forskningsråd for spillforskere, spillutviklere, etc. 2007-2015
Material Library
Digitale liv: Nye ord om spill
Fritt Ords prosjekt med debatter om dataspillets plass i kultur og samfunn + IKTsenterets ressurser om dataspill i skole og undervisning + artikkel: "Er spill pedagogikkens hellige gral?"
Serious Game Design Assessment Framework
Serious games are purpose-driven playful environments intended to impact the players beyond the self-contained aim of the game.
(MIT) Analysing games' conceptual design and elements based on the games' purpose (link)
Software library: MS-DOS games
In-browser emulation: Oregon Trail, Sim City, etc (link) at the Internet Archive
Khan Academy + Coursera (Stanford)
Edutainment videos
Code learning resources
MIT Education Arcade
The best educational games capture what’s already fun about learning and make that central to the game.
Design and Development of Games for Learning (link to edX course) 11.127x, Introduction to Game Design 11.126x, Design and Development of Educational Technology 11.132x
Learning Python: CS 1
Notes on the evolution of computer programming languages
Ressurser fra BA-kurs
Undervisning i webutvikling for BA1 + BA2 våren 2015; ressurser, lenker, tekstutdrag